India has the third largest HIV epidemic in the world. In 2017, HIV prevalence among adults (aged 15-49) was an estimated 0.2%. This figure is small compared to most other middle-income countries but because of India's huge population (1.3 billion people) this equates to 2.1 million people living with HIV.
In 2017, 79% of people living with HIV were aware of their status, of whom 56% were on antiretroviral treatment (ART). Which is why the national response wants to accelerate on HIV prevention. Here’s two goals that the National Strategic Plan (NSP) for HIV/AIDS and STI 2017 – 2024 aims to see a 75% reduction in new HIV infections, as well as a 90-90-90 target initiative.

90% of those who are HIV positive in the country know their status, 90% of those who know their status are on treatment and 90% of those who are on treatment experience effective viral load suppression.

We are so thankful that all our Victory Home children are experiencing great results from the medication (ART) they are taking. Below are some photos when the children were taken to Hyderabad for their monthly checkup and for medicines. They are taken to a research center where they are being tested every month and given free medicine due to the generosity of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

We thank God for you and your ongoing support of these young people through Little Sisters. As your investment is reaping eternal blessings for these children.
Remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:40, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”