Our Victory Home children were born with HIV, and though through no fault of their own, they live with numerous challenges and social stigmas that are hard to overcome. So we are immensely grateful for the families who willing to receive this children into their homes and care for them.
Below is a photo of the children with their caregivers:
Manikanta (left end, back row) and his wife Swarna (right end, back row).

The UPHOLD Staff take seriously the care that we strive to provide for all of the children that we support through Little Sisters. This involves ongoing training in wholistic child-development, nutritional requirements, and the administration of the monthly cART medicines. (The acronym cART stands for "combination antiretroviral therapy." It refers to the combinations of drugs that are used to keep HIV infections under control).
Before the children left the Victory Home in Srikakulam to be relocated, the UPHOLD Staff met to discuss the training that would be given to each family (adult) representative, along with the child being entrusted to their care. The training included giving some awareness and instruction about the pandemic crisis that is spreading rapidly, as well as the vital support and cooperation they will receive during this time. This training was done personally with each family group before they departed.

Please UPHOLD the staff in prayer.

The staff purchased all the food that is required meet the nutritional requirements of the children for one month and then presented it to each of the children and family representatives.

Please continue to pray for these children and those caring for them during this time.
Love in Christ,