I am sure you saw reported in the news, that Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the world’s largest lockdown on 24 March, asking 1.3 billion Indians to stay home for 21 days to slow the spread of COVID-19. So immediately all of our Little Sisters went into lock down. No one could go out for any reason except for necessities in the morning hours.
I can report that all of the children are safe and their level of care remains unchanged. The ART Centre released three months of medication for our children living with HIV, as things may continue like this until the end of May.
The best thing we can do for our Little Sisters is to pray. As often the poorer people of our world experience greater risk and hardship than other groups in society.
Pray that we’d walk with faith and wisdom.
- Living is a social-media age our hearts can be filled with alarm and anxiety. Let’s keep our minds stayed on God.
- Pray that we will fight against anxiety and walk the line between faith and wisdom.
- Pray that we don’t lose sight that God is our help and our refuge.
- Pray that even if we experience the worst imaginable outcome—that we ourselves or someone we love gets COVID-19, that Christ would remain our sure anchor.
- Pray we’d trust God, not waver in faith, and that none of us would be driven by fear – but be full of faith and godly wisdom instead.
Pray for healing and safety.
- Pray that those who have the virus will be healed, and that its spread would slow and be soon eradicated.
- Pray that the government agencies would have wisdom and skill in containing the epidemic, and that doctors and nurses would be energized for their work.
- Pray for scientists and biomedical engineers scrambling to invent a way to cure and immunize against this new virus.
Pray for gospel opportunities.
- Pray for Christians all around the world to have open doors for gospel conversations in light of this crisis.
- Ask God to make the compassion and unity of His church adorn the gospel in these dark days.
- Pray that Christians’ faith and hope would give platforms for speaking of Christ.
May the joy and peace of Christ anchor your hearts and minds now and always,
Kirby (on behalf of Bhec)