Since the joyful day that Dhaneswari was brought into the loving care of our home, she has had very limited hearing.
Recently she was seen by ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor) who said she would greatly benefit with a hearing aid.
So funds were made available and now Dhaneswari enjoys the ambience of the village sounds walking to school, the delicate chirping of the birds in the trees, and she is able to freely enter into the all the conversations and laughter of the other girls.
We are grateful that we have been able to provide such practical help – but there is a kind of hearing that is even more important.
In Luke 8:8 Jesus makes a vital point about hearing, and says, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” This means it is not enough to just have ears on the side of your head, most everyone does.
But there is another kind of ear that only some people have, and those can hear. “He who has ears to hear let him hear.” There is a spiritual ear, or a heart-ear. There is an ear that hears the truth of God’s Word, that is more than mere words. There is a beauty and a truth and a power that these ears hear as compelling and transforming and preserving.
This is the kind of hearing that Jesus is calling for – and this is the kind of hearing that we pray each one of our little sisters will have. Because God’s truth sets us free and brings us into His life – which is a life of hope, love, and a future of promise.