Enjoying Play


The poverty that accompanies growing up in a tribe prevents many children from the joy of playing and attending school, unlike so many of their peers who are not so impoverished. One of the blessings of being with our little sisters is seeing them enjoying play. Simple games take on fresh meaning for these girls, as it’s an opportunity on earth to get a little taste of Heaven. Yes, there will be play in Heaven! Listen to Isaiah, “The infant will play near the cobra’s den, and the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest” (11:8), or Zechariah 8:5, “The city streets will be filled with boys and girls playing there.”


All of the girls are doing really well in school. The younger ones walk to the local government school and the older ones ride a bus to the school in town. In our next post, we will see the girls off to school and walk with the younger ones through the village.