If you were to ask in India, “How many of you know Sachin Tendulkar?” every hand would go up! But then if you asked, “How many of you have shared a meal with him in your home, or have met him at a café or have spoken to him on the phone or even met him personally?” few if any hands would be raised. You see most know about Sachin, but few really know him up close and personal. It is with knowledge in mind, that I hope these blogs will give you and increasing understanding and insight into the lives of these precious children that God has enabled us to care for. So come with me for a few minutes and let me share with you some candid moments with real people that I have come to know and love.
These are the children who live in the Victory Home. The photo was taken when my father was with them last November.

Because of our faithful supporters, we are able to make birthdays a special occasion for all of our children. Not only are they able to have a cake and a special meal to share with their friends, but they are given a gift to enjoy as a child who is loved. Ramagiri, one of the little boys at the Victory Home celebrated his birthday on 29 November while my dad was there. Here are a few photos of the occasion.
First everyone gathers around in a circle and sings: Happy Birthday!
Then Ramagiri cuts the cake, much to the delight of his friends and of course, himself!
Now it’s time to share the cake with friends both OLD and young!
Meal times are not just for eating, but for enjoying one another as family.
There are two lovely older girls who are living with our little sisters in the Mercy Home, as they are from a tribal group near that area. So they are attending high school in Paderu. They have a welcomed ‘big sister’ influence on all the other girls and we are delighted they are in the home for the next couple of years. The girl on the right in the red shawl is Jyothi Janni and the girl on the left in the blue shawl is Jyothi Vanjala.
A variety of banana and fruit trees have been planted on the property, as well as many delicious vegetables that produce throughout the year. This enables to the girls to have good fresh and seasonal produce a part of their daily diet.

Every night the girls gather for a time sharing, reflecting on the day, praying for one another, and singing songs of praise to God for all that He is and is doing in their lives. I cannot tell you how wonder filled these times have been for me personally when I was with them.