Over the past two years the face of Little Sisters has had to adapt to the volatility of the COVID-19 pandemic and submit to the ever-increasing demands of the Indian Government. But praise God He has enabled the heart of Little Sisters continue to beat faithfully amidst all of the change. What a blessing to know that in a world that is constantly changing we worship One who changes not.
We have experienced the good hand of our God at work in the lives of our Little Sisters. And though a couple of the reports below are heart-breaking, we are anchored in the hope that everything God starts – He brings to a right and perfect completion.
A.W. Tozer wrote: “When I understand that everything happening to me is to make me more Christlike, it resolves a great deal of anxiety.” That being true, everything that is happening in India in every season of life, is orchestrated to make God’s children more like Jesus. Nothing is excluded: joy and pain, peace and turmoil, fullness and emptiness, suffering and ease. The people who love and care for our Little Sisters, as well as those who seek to hurt or draw away these little ones, God governs every single minute detail.
As you read through the eight brief updates on our Little Sisters, take time to pray for them, asking God to do what He does best.

Savitri has finished her 12th Grade in Community Health and now doing her Bachelors in Nursing, which is a 3-year course.
She is living in a private hostel and associated with an institute.
She was not able to receive a Government scholarship as there were some problems with her local documentation, but we were able pay her fees so she could continue her studies.
Her periodic examinations were held last week, so Pastor Timoti was not able to meet her personally.

Eswari is in the final year of her 3-year Nursing Course.
She is in the Government Institute and does not have to pay fees but she needs personal money for other education essentials and uniform.
She’s had COVID-19 twice, as she worked in the Government Covid ward and fell sick.
Praise God He enabled her to come through without any lasting side effects.

Shanti – Our heart breaks to let you know that Shanti has discontinued her studies and has left her relatives house and is living with young man. She does not like, nor want to continue her studies.
We have tried our best to convince her but she has said she does not have any interest for studies. Due to Covid we were told by the Government to close our home and some of the children were sent to their relatives. It was during that time she fell in love with this young man and completely decided to quit studies.
For almost a year she did not disclose but she regularly came to receive all the groceries and other monthly essentials we have faithfully provided for all of the children.

Santhoshi is another heartbreaking story.
She too was sent to her relatives home due to Covid and when the Government told us to close home. She continued to receive from us the monthly groceries and other essentials. She never told us, but later towards end of last year we found out that she was in love with a distant relative.
She left with him, though her uncle was not happy her doing this. She is now living with him and Pastor Timoti spent a whole day appealing and trying to persuade her to hold off on the relationship and continue her studies, as we would be happy to help her.
She has refused and wants to be with this young man, as they have started a home by themselves.

Eswaramma is in the final year of her Nursing course.
She was protected throughout all of the Covid outbreaks, though she did work in the Covid Ward in the General Hospital.
She was able to be at home also for a while when everything was shut down because of Covid. The food and water at her Nursing School did not suite her. She lost weight and even had hair loss.
Praise God in spite of all these things she is now fine in both her health and studies.
She has the passion to work in a mission hospital.
Dhaneswari has finished her 12th Grade in Public Health and she is wanting to take a break.
At present she is in the campus learning tailoring.
She has hearing loss and we have taken her to get treatment. She also is experiencing some depression due to her hearing loss and was wanting to isolate herself.
She came to us having been rescued from a home where she had been abused and whenever she thinks of her past she gets nervous and panics.
With prayer and regular counselling she improving and becoming mentally healthy in spite of psychological challenges.
She is under professional treatment and is on the campus.

Bhavani is in 12th Grade doing her BiPC (biology, physics, and chemistry course). She is doing good in her education and she is in the campus.
She might go for higher studies after her 12th, but she has to appear for entrance examination. We hope to take her to a coaching centre to help equip her for the competitive examination.
If she gets a good rank she will be able to do courses like a Degree course in Nursing, or Physiotherapist or Dental. Please pray for her, as we hope that she will certainly go to the highest studies.
Suvarna is in 10th Grade and she lives in the campus. She is doing well with her studies.
She has been in the campus throughout all of the Covid pandemic.
Though we have closed the home, she still goes to school fulltime and is taking public transportation.